There are days when simply things won't go right and as much as you think that there must be days like these... Are simply annoying and frustrating, I'm not a pessimist person but I know that not everything in our lifes will be happiness, imagine a completely happy life, i think it wouldn't be that fun... But in days like these is great to know that there is something that can make your day, maybe is a flavor, the shinning sky or simply a voice...
I think Sadness, trouble and Trials are one of the spices of life, are the ones that give that surplus and joy to the real moments of happiness...
awfully songless day... grrr!
Wow... I know those days...
Hahah and I know that you´re not pesimistic!
:) and it is great.
ANd I alsooo know that small things can make your day... like a rainy day, music or... a phone call :)
You know what? I think we´re one the same channel when we say:
Trials are one of the spices of life, are the ones that give that surplus and joy to the real moments of happiness...
Sometimes the path we NEED to take because of obedience, time, etc, is not the easiest or the one we would like to walk... but in the end... if it takes us to that goal, no matter how ward the way must be... it will worth it :)
*How hard... sorry it is how hard instead of how ward
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